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  • 2 min read

Air plants are a unique type of plant that has grown in popularity in recent years. What distinguishes them is that they do not require soil to grow. They have unique requirements due to their properties. With the help of our quick guide, you will be able to care for and display air plants in your home.

What are air plants?


Air plants are epiphytes, which are plant species. This means that they have evolved in nature to grow and thrive on other plants, typically tree branches. They can be found all over the world in a variety of habitats, including cloud forests and deserts. Air plants are hardy plants that can grow in difficult environments such as sheer rock walls, cliffs, and tree bark.


Long tentacle-like leaves with fuzzy white structures characterize air plants. These structures are known as trichomes, and they are responsible for the plant's ability to absorb moisture and nutrients. To maintain moisture and stay alive, they can close in harsher dry conditions and reopen in good seasons.

What are the advantages of including air plants in your garden?

The primary advantage of air plants is that they do not require any space in your garden bed. Air plants can be placed anywhere in your home because they don't have roots or require soil. This also allows you to add some flair to how you present your air plant. Air plants can be displayed in glass containers, providing numerous opportunities to express your creative side.


Air plants require little upkeep as well. They have evolved to survive in harsh environments, which means they can draw and survive on little water.

How do you look after your air plants?

When it comes to caring for air plants, there are a few ground rules to follow. The first rule is to water your plant sparingly, usually once a week. Second, keep your air plants away from bright light. They thrive under tree cover in their natural habitat, so too much sun will harm them.


When your air plant produces flowers, you know it's getting what it needs. Make a point of removing any dried flowers. This will encourage your plant's growth while preventing extra energy from being wasted on the dying flower.


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